San Miguel Artist Mary Breneman

I love life, I love people and I love to paint.

When I moved to San Miguel, Mexico, eleven years ago, I finally found the inspiration that brought all of this together.

When I first saw the landscapes around San Miguel I was awed by their vastness and the way they appear to move, and even dance. I just had to express this beauty in my paintings.

From that initial inspiration my love for Mexico has only deepened over the years. I feel an energy, a vitality here that constantly inspires me.

I see and feel much joy in the simple encounters of daily life, and, of course in the constant fiestas, ceremonies and celebrations that mark the year.

The elderly people touch me with their quiet dignity and courage. All of these emotions I express in my paintings.

Living in the countryside, another source of constant inspiration is nature. There are towering cactus in my garden and many animals nearby, which I really enjoy painting.

Goats, for example, often have a serenity that you can feel in the way they gently sit and gaze at you. Sheep, for me, express a simplicity and presence that I find very quieting.

I also love to celebrate the freedom I see in horses through the grace and strength of their movement. As well, the relationship between horses and riders is still a vital aspect of the culture. The pageantry of the traditional “charreada” or rodeo is a feast of colors and movement.

The “process” of painting has always been an intuitive one for me and in my recent work, I’m moving further in this direction. I’ve begun to explore the purely abstract elements of color, line and brushstroke.

I admit it’s somewhat scary territory for a trained illustrator to be exploring, but the excitement of taking risks, both personal and artistic, has always inspired me.

See more of Mary’s work at

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